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Trust Us for Exterior Repairs and More

Damage to your home’s exterior is often inevitable. Whether your siding is starting to decay from old age, or a storm swept through your neighborhood, Level 1 General Construction is here to help. Our experts have the resources to evaluate your exterior and make recommendations for repair or replacement. We’re not your typical repair or home services company. We have the expertise to see entire installation projects from start to finish. Exterior repairs require the help of a company with extensive knowledge, and we can provide that. Learn more about requesting exterior repair and replacement in Dallas or Fort Worth, TX today.

Providing These Exterior Services in Dallas & Fort Worth

At Level 1 General Construction, we pride ourselves on providing work that cover all the bases. We want to make sure your home or business is good as new, whether you need repairs because of everyday wear and tear or a major storm. Our team specializes in the following:


Perhaps your exterior hasn’t been damaged too badly, but it could use a new coat of paint. Our team will professionally paint your home or business’s exterior to match whatever aesthetic you’re aiming for.

Windows & Doors

Broken windows and doors not only hurt your curb appeal, but they also affect the safety and energy efficiency of your property. Whether you’re looking to replace broken windows or outdated doors, our team has the expertise to help you choose from an array of options and install your final decision.


No matter the material used in your home’s construction, siding is easily damaged in a strong storm. We may be able to repair the damage and restore your exterior, or we may recommend installing new siding.


Our Inspection and Review Process

If you’ve noticed imperfections in your home’s exterior or another issue, Level 1 General Construction should be your first call. Our professional team will visit your home or business and provide a thorough inspection of your exterior. Depending on the extent of damage to your exterior, we may inspect the entirety of your property to ensure we have all the bases covered. Once we’re finished with our evaluation, our team can help you.

Exterior home update

Exterior home updates improve curb appeal and provide higher return-on-investment. Homeowners are replacing windows for energy efficiency, looks, function and seal failure on older homes. Siding and Painting can bring a fresh new look to older homes. A lot of times we find undetected rot, deterioration and fading while performing our complimentary inspection and quote. Gutters divert rain water away from foundation that could cause erosion and other problems. Leaf filters and leaf guards are another solution to a huge pain point for homeowners.

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Providing Commercial and Residential Services

Homeowners aren’t the only ones who can take advantage of our services. Businesses are not exempt from storm damage or normal wear and tear. When you notice exterior damage to your business, don’t hesitate to call our team. Our knowledgeable staff will talk through your options, and a project manager will visit your place of business for an in-depth evaluation. Before you know, your business’s exterior will look good as new!

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Leaving Your Property Better Than We Found It